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Where to eat-Tainan Campus


Tips for studying well: eat well, sleep well, exercise well


  Students’ daily needs are taken care of: including canteens in the Administration Building and the boys’ dorm, offering a variety of affordable dining options. There is also an OK convenience store in the campus, providing food, drinks, daily essentials, cleaning supplies and other services.

  Apart from the student canteens in the campus, there are numerous snack bars nearby, selling Anping Shrimp Rolls, Oyster Rolls, Yong Le Barbecue Rice, Milk fish cuisine and Anping Tofu Pudding. Night Markets like Xiao Bei Night Market, Hua Yuan Night Market, Wusheng Night Market, Anping Night Market, Shi Er Dian Night Market, Ben Yuan Liao Night Market, Tong An Night Market, Zhong Zhou Liao Market, An Zhong Traditional Market, Tu Cheng Matsu Temple Night Market are all worth a visit.

          右圖:廟口夜市一景 美食地點 

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